Illustration based on a Halloween contest on Skillshare taught by Brad Woodard. Choosing from the two themes loud or quiet in 8x10 artboard, you had to come up with a Halloween illustration. You could only use 3 colors since the winner gets their piece screen printed by Brad and you recieve 15 copies as well as a one on one session with Brad. I chose the theme loud. My concept was a monster party in the children’s room upstairs and the dad below wondering what was going on. I might put Happy Halloween somewhere I'm not sure.  First I made a mind map of things for my theme and sketched it out.
Here is my final sketch that I chose to go with. I scanned it in and started to outline the illustration in Illustrator.
After outlining it all in Illustrator, I needed to come up with a color scheme. So I chose 3 different schemes to go with and choose one out of the three to continue on with. 
After choosing the color scheme, I went in and added textures. I'm not completly finished but I like where it is going. I'm going to play around with some patterns and textures. 
I had fun playing around with the textures but I decided to go back and add on to the illustration. I added more details. I'm going to put the texture in next. So excited with everything. This pleases me.
The final result. I'm so happy with the texture and the way everything came out. I will try out this technique again.
Party at Midnight

Party at Midnight

Halloween illustration using color,pattern and texture. Designed for a contest. Based on a class on Skillshare.
