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Caution don't step in my pile of Opinions : M.N.M.M.2

Singularity is much talked about with technology today
Singularity in the Spirtual way happened on the day of Birth.  A.D Zero.
Why some keep looking for the end of the world in the future but missed the ZERO Point in spirituality I don't understand.
The Birth.  The Sacrifice, The Gift to man on Pentecost of the shared spirit.  Trinity as it is called in my Lutheran religion.
Much is talked about these days about "end times" and I sit baffled how goofy one has to be to miss the event 2000+ years ago.   
Heck the Western calendar is based on the event to an approcimation so A.D. and B.C. should mean something to those "end timers"
Anyway.  THE Birth was the big deal folk.    The ministry/death/Resurrection/Pentecost were all tied up in the Big Show.  The Birth.
Singularity of Spirtuality!!!!!
Grace be with you as it has been, is now, and will be forever.   
Tyranny Tyranny and the great debate of Socialism and Capitalism in the Social Security ACT.
From 1800 to 1950 as monarchy was replaced by representative government in a large portion of the world through much war and reorganization of peoples the debate turned to the four pure forms of government and how they should be mixed to solve societies needs.
Tyranny is the result of either extreme of socialism or totalitarianism so think of your government as a circle where the wedge of Tyranny takes up a third of that pie chart and the other four pure variations of government take up the rest of the pie chart.  Along the pie chart pencil in these landmarks.   Socialism, Capitalism, Fascism  Totalitarianism.  A,B,C,D with again E being the wedge of Tyranny.
Side Note on Anarchy: Think of your government with that circle of government in mind and remember Anarchy the absence of government and the willingness to tolerate other humans so lets not expound on Anarchy and assume we want to tolerate each other and not go down the mob rule post French revolution route.
Opinion section:
In my humble opinion: The USA of today is a Socialism-Capitalism blended system with our secure society system and pension plan as the root of our socialism and our free market system the root of our capitalism.
Therefore the TEA party (taxed enough already) is really asking the valid question as to if we should be 100% free market capitalists with zero safety net of the social security Act.  
That is a valid debate and you can think of 1936 America as a good reference point.  The Democrat and Republican parties are trying to govern as elected while the debate has really changed for the first time since maybe 1945.  The ME generation that I am a tail end part of has already achieved for the most part their safety net and their retirement mostly locked up so they now debate what the future should be.  
Our parents and our Grandparents did side with Roosevelt back when he was pushing his secure society and they like him saw the value in a pension system guaranteed by the USA treasury via a trust fund.   They did this by electing him four straight times and basically making the then GOP party obsolete.  Remember at that time there was active socialists and communists parties in America before they were purged or suppressed in the 1950's.
Thus the Social Security ACT granted a pension fund but also the governments ability to "borrow" in time of war against this pension fund created the security that the secure society or social security act proclaimed.  
It was strongly debated at the time that it was evil socialism and treachery but even the most die hard TEA party member today still wants their retirement benefits and only a few Libertarian proponents will come clean and really speak about 100% free market America like there was during the roaring 1920's before the bank's collapsed from free market speculative free trading after WWI.
I call it "secure society" and not social security because the point was for security and the profit was the pension and that therefore is the great debate we find ourselves in.  
Shall we go back to 1936?  Or plan B shall we keep basic pensions and go back to 1956 and throw out just Medicare and ObamaCare and only keep the pensions but be rid of mandatory health care for everyone and not just the retirement crowd or disabled to enjoy?  Shall we go back to 1956 and not 1936?  Good questions.   
Ok back to the ism's.  It is whom owns the land and businesses as well as the level of freedom of expression and religion freedom that determines which pure form of government you have.  
So shall we return to Libertarian style Capitalism or go down the theocracy path of fascism that a fundamentalist moralist might prefer or shall we just inch slightly away a little from status-qou which is our current blend of social-capitalism?  
The last few companies I have worked for being larger organizations yearly have mailing me my total package price showing how much you take home in "take home pay" vs the benefits value you also earn in your "total package"  
When my Grandfather Victor worked as a cabinet maker he was paid $xx.xx a month and had zero benefits and he paid all his bills from that wage himself.  The classic dollars pay for a days work.   As a skilled laborer he also worked the entire depression and didn't suffer some of the unemployment others did but yet found value in buying insurance when it was invented circa 1945 in America.  
Today our decimal points are larger but the debate is the same.  
What shall we guarantee (entitle) as a society and what shall we not?  (free market)
Our Republic needs your voice.  What say you?   I for one don't think most people really understand what the Social Security ACT was all about since no one is teaching it and you really have to dig to find out why it was created and why it was debated.   Some would say it was the biggest debacle of the 20th Century in America and some would say it allowed twenty year old unemployed men and women to work because it encouraged the elderly to retire which they hadn't been after the Great Depression for fear of another.   This caused gridlock in the job market and the young people were unable to get jobs.  I learned this first hand from my father-in-law.
So let the debate continue.    That is the beauty of our representational government.
Organized Confusion
Organized Chaos and confusion is organized by definition.
So put a box around your troubles and look at it.
It isn't so bad it isn't so big.
Life sucks.  But Living is grand if you try to enjoy it.
These are the days we practice for:. 
These are the days we came prepared to live:.
These are the days the days others crumble:.
Only humor can break the mold of anger!
Enjoy today as if it was the last you would breath,
And my friend relax and let the waters flow. 
They will drift you to a new calm pond.
Death Becomes You!
Death becomes you in baptism:.
Life therefore is eternal:.
Be a beacon in the Darkness:.
Look for the future not death:.
Live in the present not pain:.
Honor the past not forgotten:.
Let your light shine so those in darkness 
can find him whom said he was the tRUth. 
U R Not HIM. be humble!

Have you heard Good News today? {AlphagoodNewsOmega}
Pain Now or more Pain later?
Pain Now or More Pain later.
That is the questoin!
I have turned into an ATM machine.
Not a husband any longer but a cash cow.
Pain Now or more pain later?
That is a dilemma.
I have been trying to be honest and make
real life decisions based on real life means.
Pain Now or more pain later.
That is the sadness.
When I am so disrespected and so hated
what more can I do but 200%.
Pain now or more pain later.
Is divorce the answer?
Sad day.  Sad times.  
Sad excuse for a marriage
Pain now or more pain later.
I must think on this as I have been.
Go Rapture Yourself Fun-for-mental's!!!!

It is finished.
It IS finished.
It is finished.
These words don't mean much to a crowd that needs to judge.
These words are wasted on those that think the battle isn't over.
These words are confusing to those that don't believe in free water.
Lo as I live the rest of my life I weep for those that wait!
Lo I  plan on living in God's heaven on earth and in eternity!
Lo the water if fine, come in and enjoy the bounty of eternal life.
You don't have to wait for signs.
You don't need to join a hate group you call Church.
You don't need to tithe.   Free is Free and always be.
As a Lutheran I am a follower of the:
Birth, childhood
Baptism, days in the desert, years of Pastoraliship
As a Lutheran I am a believer in:
Rising from the Dead and look he wasnt' the only one.
Lazurus was one of the first.
As a Lutheran I am a witness to:
Fundemental mistakes by many works based beliefs that are lies.
World hunger, strife, death, debacher for those that fight on.
I will pray this day again the same prayer I learned as a child.
God is Good, God is Great, let us thank God for our daily bread.
Eat well, Drink well, he gave you the eternal life.  Accept it!!!
What is left?  Spreading the GOOD NEWS.
Debunking the lies, lyers, and works based groups who scorn and hate.
Offering to them FREE Water of Revelations 22:17.
I am so glad I am dead already or this world would be hard to take.
I am so glad to have died in baptism.
I am so glad as I watch the rain fall on lies and deceit to know God is here already.
How can you return when you didn't leave after decending into hell?
How can you require a second chance you anti-christ-fundementalists?
How come you can't repent and live in peace.  Peace servers the Lord.


BE Opinionated!

My Opinion is valid! 
Your Opinion is valid! 
Only rightness is wrong and leads to war! 
One man in a square claimed he was the truth. 
Therefore kling to your opinion but hate not mine. 
For I am not he whom claims truth as his name and birthright.

To Be or Not to Be!

Palm Sunday is over.
The King of Sheep has been crowned.
If a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day walk
this week thinking of the salvation that we will celebrate in a few short "days".

Day=era in old hebrew.

So as we go this week about our lives imagine it is your week to decide to rule
the world as a living God or as a dead Savior.

Christ had a tough decision and
only he knows the pain of the world and
the decision that he faced.

If you ever dreamed of superhero powers as a child imagine the restraint
Christ had to not destroy with one word this good Planet.

Humble be you in Chirst we are free.
No work of human can withstand or understand

Free Water :  Rejoice
R 22:17  The spirit and the bride say, "Come." And let him who hears say "Come." And let him who is thirsty come, let him who desire take the water of life without price.
More and more I focus on this verse near the end of John's Revelation and ponder the modern hypocracy of theocracy, judges, hecklers, deviders, and rightous folk.  
We watch this year 2011 as the tragic earth quake hits Japan and the biblical born yesterday christians see some sign of their pending war with god and earth.  We watch as the ArpaNet of 1975 bears fruit's of Freedom throughout the middle east.  We watch in America the so called bastion of freedom the republicans assault freedom at every chance.  Freedom to negotiate a contract for labor in a collective manner for example.  Liberal and therefore liberty  has become a dirty word.   We watch the rumbings of the religous zealots as already you can see they are getting ready for 2012.
Religious fundementalists ready for two events next year that seem to be at odds with each other.
First their end of the world event and second the election of 2012 which is demanded by our American revolution system and planned for ever two, four, six years.   On one hand the rapture crowd plan for their departure and yet on the other hand they work to unset the Democrat they can not but hate.   Pragmatism doesn't appeal to theocracy loving fundementalists.
I therefore ponder R22:17 as they seem to put a price on their religion, both fundemental christian and fundemental muslim.  Isn't it ironic that the book of so called end times only requires you to request some free water as it's most important message?
Free Water for those that are thirsty without price.  Without price.  Imagine that.    
Why all the rules, lists, and works based beliefs for the crowd who's reverence for the book of John's Revelation when water is Free?  Free!  Why the fraud of works put on by fundementalists.  Makes me wonder if they really ever have studied or are just told what to think, what to hate, who to hate, whom to fear, and whom to harm.  
I don't claim as you know from previous writings to "know" anything other then I am allowed opinions without a corner on truth.   Opinions and not rightness.   Opinions only.  Period.  
I do though see a flaw in charging a price for Free Water.   Do you agree?


Illness Compassion - Humanity - Patience

When a person acts like nothing they do hurts others this is illness.
When a person walks through life thinking they are innocent this is illness.
When a person purposely attacks this is cruelty and not illness but plain cruelty.

When a person helps another to understand illness this is humanity.
When a person tolerates illness this is called caregiving, enabling, or sometimes marriage.
When a person waits forever and waits for that day to teach about the illness this is patience.

I know I am sometimes ill.  Therefore I am human.
I know many who won't except their humanity they are animals.
I know a story of a man who took on all illness and started a revolution of kindness.

Let's strive to be humane.
Let's strive to be children of God.
Let's strive to be gentle as we can as we teach others about illness.

Sometimes tough love is the best love.
Sometimes patience is wrong and directness is required.
Sometimes just tell me to shut up.

Praise you.
Praise me.
Praise God.

(how you treat the lowest shows your compassion)
(whom ever you despise that is the test of your compassion)
(be gentle to my loved ones whom still think they are innocent) 

We will know  you by your Hatred

We will know you by your hate!  
Go away anti..... Go Away!!!
My God suffers you no more!   
My God suffered.
Be at Peace.  Peace servers the Lord!
NOT HATE!   How many religions preach hate?
Think about whom they serve!   
Not the God I know.
Born Yesterday Christians that believe in a future rapture I weep for.
Accept the baby, accept the man, accept the Saviour, accept his spirit.
Accept the Victory of the Cross.
Accept the finished work of the savior.
Accept the gift already purchased.
Accept heaven in your heart.
No need for part two. 
Just accept the free water of life purchased with blood.
You don't need to list some hate list.
You don't need to wait for some date in the future.
Go Rapture yourself born yesterday Christians
Go save your self.  
You can't Work it can you.
Christ taught me I am human.
Be at Peace.  Peace serves the Lord.
Stop the hatred.
Stop the hate.
Peace all.  God Loves you just as you are.
Born this way.  Born this way.  God loves me and you.

Sad Little Man
Sad Little Man

It is amazing to hear from the mouth of a little man
Lies and falsehoods then boasts of physical violence.

You think you have some dirt on me. HA.
Bring your insanity to a new level why don't you little man.

Don't threaten me then pretend you don't.
Don't speak of me in ill tongue then pretend morality.

You are the worst neighbor a neighborhood can have.
All talk and no responsibility. All falsehoods and lies.

Go back to your little house with your little hat
And drink your little drink.

Be bound of your tongue by the one that knows the truth.
Be bound of your evil ways and bear not falseness against me.

Sad little man.
Sad little man.

I knew you when you had used nicotine for 30 years. (now you say 20)
I knew you when were a herbalist. (now I doubt you remember)
I knew you when you were a Free birder (now I wonder)
I am your little brother (I watched and learned from you)
Why do you forget? (I hope your land-o-Denial suit's you)
Growing up is good. (Just don't become a religious hypocrite)
I can keep your secrets. (fear my memory not)
sister sister sister. (I hope your current self is happy)
Be at Peace. (I am and I intend to remain so)

Caution don't step in my pile of Opinions : M.N.M.M.2

Caution don't step in my pile of Opinions : M.N.M.M.2

These are the statements, comments, observations I make to the world. Enjoy. This a sequel to M.N.M.M (musings of a Not so mellow man) Authorhous Read More


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