Cactus Dehumidifier
Household cleanliness is becoming more attentive during COVID-19 lockdown, revealing objects lacking in personality which you can notice ever more easily. Winter temperatures, in general, demand more heating in houses, creating extra moisture and damp. Types of dehumidifiers are used for this however are loud or add another electronic device which we are already surrounded by.
Traditional ventilation and circulation are a natural method to reduce this, free movement of air that can be captured and absorbed by passive dehumidifiers. These are commonly shaped in plastic one-use boxes that are presented as expected, creating a standard object which doesn’t belong in most environments.
Cactus plants consume and store water while living in hot, dry conditions where it's rare. The ease of how they settle in is semiotic to the low maintenance and attention they require. Being easily placed in domestic households to creating a composition in areas make it even more practical.
Cactus absorbs water within the air through the principles of porous sand beads which pull moisture from the air as it moves and holds it inside themselves. The water is then stored within the cactus and highlights red when full by an indicator.

While focusing on the form language and passive nature which is playful yet useful, it can be re-used by exchanging the beads and emptying the water.
Cactus Dehumidifier
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Cactus Dehumidifier

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