ZH trough my eyes
From mixing colors to artworks

Sometimes we need to warm up our visual senses before jumping to the creation process. We need to get involved with the surrounding energy, light and natural palette to deliver emotions with some design.

That's a jam process that I personally enjoy to do before any design or art direction project.


ZH trough my eyes
The palette as artwork itself 

ZH trough my eyes
Let's Jam in CMYK and Helvetica Neue Bold

ZH trough my eyes
Balance, consistency and repetition.
Classics never fail

ZH trough my eyes
Some mockups and getting ready to work

ZH trough my eyes
Expanding and testing scenarios 

ZH trough my eyes
From mixing colors to artworks

Adobe XD
Home made espresso
Playlist: Nico&Nico (Jaar & Cruz)
Sharing with friends

António Freitas Ribeiro
Designer & Art Director


Zurich 2021

ZH trough my eyes

ZH trough my eyes

