
With 2020 becoming the year we all had to home cook, Gousto X Spotify is the perfect match for younger adults who may struggle with cooking. This campaign is aimed at people aged 20-35; this could include people who rely on other people to cook for them, used to rely on takeaways or just buy food while they are out. This makes this project perfect for this audience as the ingredients are send already measured; and Gousto also offer recipe cards to make it simple for customers. This is great because it aims to all young people. It works for friend’s, families, and partners, any day of the week. By cookinf for yourself, you can ensure that you and your family eat fresh, wholesome meals. This can help you to look and feel healthier, boost your energy, stabilize your weight and mood, and improve your sleep and resilience to stress. (Robinson, 2020)

On the Gousto website, they have their main colour scheme as mostly white, with elements of blue and red. Because of this, a similar scheme is presented on the flyer- with a mostly white background, and the important information being in red and blue.

Furthermore, on the flyer I also used SEO optimisation, which was including tags. All tags I used were relevant to this campaign and featured “foodlovers” “musiclovers” and “homecooking”. These tags are convenient because if someone searches a common tag such as “homecooking” the flyer will appear, and it will ultimately attract more customers.

Gousto is ultimately aiming for this campaign to attract more customers and create more traffic on their social media platforms. The specific goals include:
To increase subscribers by 10% by the end of March 2021.
To increase web traffic to their website by 25% by the end of March 2021.
To increase engagement on their Facebook by 25% by the end of March2021.
To increase engagement on Instagram by 25% by the end of March 2021.
To increase user-generated content by 10% by the end of March 2021.

All these goals are perfect for Gousto because it shows that their aims all involve having more presence on social media, gaining followers, making sales through it and promoting customer’s pictures of their meals they have from Gousto. This helps to ensure that the young people that Gousto are will see the posts and hopefully take the plunge to make an order. It is suggested that listening to music while cooking is a way to calm down. (Kyle, 2020)
By teaming up with Spotify, which is an already established and successful brand used by young people, it helps people to put faith in Gousto  and helps to present cooking as a fun and relaxing activity, it keeps people healthy and is also keeping people busy.

Word count- 462
Kyle, C. (2020, March 16). Why You Need a Cooking Playlist Now More Than Ever. Retrieved from epicurious: https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/cooking-music-playlist-article
Robinson, A. S. (2020, June 1). cooking at home. Retrieved from helpguide: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/cooking-at-home.htm




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