BALLOON. Conscious Design
Magazine philosophy
"Change will be through design or it won't be". The magazine's philosophy is based on the awareness of current global problems: climate change, plastic, deforestation, sustainability... And it argues that the solution will always come with efficient design (in any format: graphic, product, architectural, fashion...). 'Balloon shows these design solutions in an informative way: all kinds of design for all kinds of people. 
'Balloon' in Spanish refers to the Globe and a fragile object to be played with. Today the Earth embraces the sense of both meanings, so the content of the magazine proposes solutions for what the headline means.

Collection (3 regulars + 1 monographic)
Own photos in all but the first issue. All rights reserved.
Balloon 22: Urbanism vs. wild landscapes

Content extracted from
National Geographic, Smart City Valencia, Las ciudades del futuro: inteligentes, digitales y sostenibles (Telefonica), The Editorial, Gehl People, The Dirt, David McMillan, SUrface, MIT Media Lab, Lava Circular, Atmos Magazine, València al Minut, FabLab Barcelona, Alphabets

Balloon Magazine


Balloon Magazine
