The WanderingSoul's profile

Autumn Up North, Pt. II (Two Months of Photography)

Landscape Photography
Autumn Up North, Pt. II
[Another Two Months of Landscape Photography]

... Autumn 2020, 58 Days & Nights, 5.187 Miles.
a light to guide to my way
Es ist nicht falsch, wenn ich sage, dass ich wieder zu jenem geworden zu sein scheine, der ich einst war. Erneut habe ich anderen Menschen nicht viel zu sagen und behandle sie meist mit Argwohn, oder gar Gleichgültigkeit. Sie, die mir mit allem fremd sind. Ich träume und sehne mich nach nichts, und niemandem. Und wenn ich einsam bin, so bin ich es absolut und frei von Erinnerung. Ich bin, was ich vielleicht immer gewesen war – allein. Und wenn ich über etwas verwundert sein kann dann nicht, dass ich mich einsam fühle, sondern dass ich es auch so oft nicht tue. Ich bin mit mir, und nur mit mir.

Last year, I had to change plans due to restrictions by governments regarding Corona but hopefully made the best out of it. Also, nevertheless of already traveling there the year before, I still had a lot of places I wanted to visit and try to photograph. Besides, back then I had lost the work of two weeks due to a camera loss and this was the chance to re-capture them. I left midst of September and stayed for about two months abroad. I came along quite fine; it takes only about one or two weeks to finally arrive in this kind of life, and travel. I talked to people only rarely but if so, they were quite nice (except those chasing me one night in their cars). The police checked on me occasionally but it was all fine. The weather wasn’t the best for photography often but I guess it always could be worse. Furthermore, I luckily was also able to photograph some forests in decent conditions I had wished for since a long time (links at the end of this project). I don’t know, maybe there’s more to say about two months of travel and staying for your own. And maybe there’s not.

So, this is a compilation of the photographs I’d captured during this certain travel, ordered chronologically. You may have seen one or two of these images before in my quick review about 2020. You might also want to check out Autumn Up North, Pt. I from the similar travel of 2019 (I’m looking forward to update this older project soon and put a few more images into it).


- Pt. I (2019) | Pt. II (2020) -
__________ September __________
__________ October __________
__________ November __________
__________ Treescapes __________
Autumn Up North, Pt. II (Two Months of Photography)

Autumn Up North, Pt. II (Two Months of Photography)
