Profilo di Ana Isabel Almeida

Divulgação event — CIES

In 2017, created by the Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ICSE took place for the first time in Ibiza. After a successful edition, there were two more (Granada, 2018; Tenerife, 2019) that motivated the existence of a 4th edition in Portugal, taking place at ISCAP P.Porto.

As a student of the Administrative Assistance and Translation bachelor's degree, I was responsible for the organisation and promotion of this event - with my colleague Diogo. Due to the global pandemic (COVID-19), and consequent event canceled, we continued the work we had already developed adapting it to a project. Being the Communications Officer, in my position I had tasks like:

- Online and offline dissemination of the event;
- Public relations;
- E-mail marketing.
Divulgação event — CIES

Divulgação event — CIES
