Orinique Agency 的個人檔案Munashe Hilton Matyatya 的個人檔案

MASK UP Advertising Campaign

The Mask Up Advertising Campaign

The Overview
Corona Virus has claimed some of our loved ones, those that were taken from us without saying good bye. Our freedom to interact without any hesitation or compromise, has been depleted due to this pandemic. We are sad that every day is passing, without any knowledge of how our tomorrow might look, but we remain vigilant and hopeful for a brighter day

The Concept
We wanted to create an awareness, an idea, that would make people wear their masks. We wanted to make it clear that wearing your mask is not only for your health benefit but also for others around you. Our concept communicates that, if you wear your mask today you will live to see another day as a healthy person, moreover your children will have their parents alive to take care of them and by so doing, a generation is surely secured.

So always remember that these children all around the world need us to be responsible, mature and considerate. their future can be guaranteed through us, only if we take all necessary precautions against COVID 19 and mask up.

The Adverts

MASK UP Advertising Campaign

MASK UP Advertising Campaign

if you wear your mask today you will live to see another day as a healthy person, moreover your children will have their parents alive to take c 閱讀更多
