by David Kawena
I've always had faith and believed in something that is greater then our physical existence upon this earth. I always wondered how some people talk about God being here and there, yet if you want to worship God, there's a one place for that - A church, a synagogue, a mosque. I felt as if God was put into a box no matter how beautiful in interior of the box is, it's architecture or grand scale - God was still trapped inside it's walls, owned.

In my perspective, no one owns God! No one owns our right to pray, to believe, or disbelieve. No one has a hold on our mind and soul. I see God in the world around me, in the people I interact with, in my friends, in my inspiration and here I wanted to try and portray what is conceived as the iconography of God, of Jesus Christ, or faith, and eventually the common thread of them all - love.

The world is full people who use that love as a weapon. Sometimes it feels like I'm being attacked for who I am, for heaving my strong faith, for my sexuality. People don't know how to label me, even with my art - "You should stick with drawing", "draw more girls", "so you're a photographer now, what's next, music?", "You've ruined my childhood", "You're crossing the lines" and what not... I guess that puts fear of the 'unknown' into the minds of some people and they start lashing you up.

My only way to fight back is by expressing myself artistically! My art is my freedom to show who I am and what I believe in. It's my freedom to be, to share, to connect to something that is grater then me.

This photoshoot speaks about that. It features the beauty that is surfaces deep and the beauty that is hidden deep inside. What attracts us physically and what attracts us spiritually.

Full Credits -
PHOTOGRAPHY - David Kawena
FASHION - Nick Stryker
STYLING AND ACCESSORIES - David Kawena/Nick Stryker
MAKE UP AND HAIR - David Kawena
LIGHTS - David Kawena/Keenon Ferrell
MODELS - Steven Trumon Gray/Derek Keene/Norb Peti

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