Luke Azzopardi's profile

low rise | an urban project in Ravenna

low rise | an urban massing project in Ravenna
Situated in an ex-caserma ‘Dante Alighieri’ in Ravenna, the low rise project consists of a regeneration of the area, relating housing and commercial functions to the public space. Based on Peter Barber’s Donnybrook Quarters (as required), the project incorporates residential apartments, forming three lined strips in the centre: these do not exceed two storeys in height, thus better integrating with the surroundings. Since the vicinity lacks the presence of commercial outlets, a triangular shaped building on the front is dedicated to such use.

On either side of the housing lie two public spaces: an open space in front of the commercial outlets where locals, residents and even students from the nearby school can meet and hang out; as well as a green space serving as a more intimate area where one could stroll or sit down and relax. These functions combined together create a project which harmoniously caters for more integrated housing within the community, whilst at the same time providing space where locals can communicate and interact, thus enhancing the local spirit, whilst serving as a breath of fresh air to the currently bordered and dilapidated area.
massing of the site
background research snapshots
concept development sketches
final design
final plan 
isometric view of the project

Luke Azzopardi
Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di Bologna | y2s2 _ 2018
low rise | an urban project in Ravenna

low rise | an urban project in Ravenna
