Public Vulnerability is generally socially branded to shame, fear and struggle. As an artist I create mug shots that transcend such preconceived judgments and postulate ‘vulnerability’ as the core of beauty, compassion and authenticity.
Underneath the spotlight the painted figure is psychologically exposed and intentionally stripped down to its primal state that endures the raw- ness and beauty of being human. A state of weakness that triggers the viewer to intimately come face to face with the painted figure and leads into a dialogue of association, personal interpretation and construction of the painting’s narrative.
Oil on Birch l ​32" x 32"​ l 2010​
Oil on Birch l ​32" x 32"​ l 2010​
Oil on Birch l ​32" x 32"​ l 2010​
Mug Shots
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Mug Shots

Public Vulnerability is generally socially branded to shame, fear and struggle. As an artist I create mug shots that transcend such preconceived Lire la suite

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