Profiel van Adriana Arciniegas

Heroes Of Our Generation

Bullying affects about 13 million kids in the U.S. every year. Such aggression often starts with the smallest of actions and then escalates to seriously damaging extremes. Verbal and physical harassment  can be a living nightmare. It can happen anywhere: face-to-face, by text message or on the internet. It's not limited to age or gender , educational level or nationality, race or social status. Bullying has taken a hold of our society and quite frankly, it has become the social plague of our generation. 
Compelled by this reality, I’ve started the project Heroes of Our Generation, a series of oil paintings and art installations that give voice to the victims of bullying and those who are taking a stand against it. These pieces depict teen members of the GSA(Gay-Straight Alliance) club of the Academic Leadership Community at the Miguel Contreras Learning Complex in Los Angeles, California. Painted realistically as superheroes, these children are an example to society for speaking out about their bullying experiences as an effort to encourage children, teenager and adults to take a stand alongside them and combat this pandemic social scourge.
In Heroes Of Our Generation, I want to offer my audience a space for reflection: the opportunity to come face-to-face with this issue and reflect on how a simple word or action can make a difference. 
For more information visit:   
"People who are bullied feel different in many ways. They feel powerless, unpopular and alone. They also have a hard time standing up for themselves, thinking that kids who bullied them are more powerful than they are. It can make them sad… lonely… nervous…anxious…feel sick… Have problems at school. Even commit suicide, which we don’t want that to happen, we must prevent that".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2012 
"In this world of ours, cruelty and pain is dealt with everyday. We see people get hurt everyday, either physically/mentally or both. We may not realize it, but these actions can really cause serious dangers to anyone and make people take some horrible paths that would ultimately affect all of us. What is this witched torture that create these problems, you may ask? Simple answer really- Bullying. We may not notice it, but bullying can really change one’s life or sadly end it. 
Bullying is a disease that spreads to anyone, whenever, however the cure is much closer than we think".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2012
"Bullying... Yeah it’s big yet small. It’s an issue that not many have cared. Death, Pain and accidents bring awareness. But why do they have to go through this? They have to take their life to show awareness. Ignorance and bad vibe have created a brick wall which hides the sun and rainbow from those who need relief. What have we done to stop bullying? Become a hero to those who feel pain. Take a stand for them and yourself. Save a life".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2012
"I will agree with the person that says pain and suffering makes you that much stronger. I've gone through some pretty rough things in my life. Most reflect upon my attitude and character. The most scaring and painful thing I've gone through was being bullied throughout elementary school. I would really enjoy going to school when I was younger but some of my classmates made it uncomfortable and insecure.
It was odd though, I would usually think that girls would pick on girls and guys would pick on guys. It was the opposite for me. You know that saying "Guys bully girls cause they like them", that is pure BS! This guy made me feel like I wasn't normal or that I didn't belong. For my entire childhood and up until now I resent boys who pick on girls. This painful memory had made me think that all boy I meet can be the same.  
At one point I couldn't take anymore of their harassment, I wanted to move schools but I knew my parents wouldn't allow it. I would always be in a state of depression coming home from school, I wanted to crawl in a whole and die. The only person who stood up for me was my mother, not the teachers or staff. They would turn blind eye when they saw me getting bullied. I learned from this experience and became stronger. Now I am a stronger much more mature person. I will never let anyone bully me, I will speak up for myself".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
"I get bullied from my friends a lot. This makes me mad. I keep telling them to stop but they keep calling me names, they call me gorilla. Sometimes I want to stay home from school. If I could talk to the bullies I would say STOP!"
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
"Kids should not bully.  Bullying it hurts, kids don't want to go to school. Kids get scared. This makes me sad. My friend gets bullied and tells me about it. I get mad at the bully who hurts my friend. I tell the principal and he tells the school to stop".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
"Bullying... It sounds like just a simple word, yet it contain so much meaning. It seems like just a common word until someone comes and gives it meaning in another person's life. It starts with smallest of actions, winding it's way up until it reaches the extremes. One might think that small small things such as calling someone names is just considered teasing, words hurts however. The simplest words can literally intimidate someone, it only takes a phrase to damage someone's self-esteem. We have the power to stop this, we have the potential to stop bullying . All we have to do is think before we act and stop judging people's imperfections, when we're not perfect ourselves". 
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
"I know bullying sucks because I’ve been through it. People used to tease me about my appearance and my name, basically for who I was. Sometimes I hated myself. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t born. Sometimes I wished them pain. But deep down, I knew I had to be strong and pretend that I was stronger than ever. 
Now I’m passed that in a way. I thank my bullies because now rude comments or criticism mean nothing to me. Also, I thank my mother who supported me and helped me feel better about myself. All I have to say to the people out there being bullied is: Fight it off! You’re a strong person even if you think you’re not, you are. And talk to someone about it that always helps".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
"My Challenge started when I was 7. I had a really bad case of Eczema and I was the new girl. I was picked on based on how I looked. They (the kids) would say and quote “Eww, don’t talk to her she’s ugly” or “You will get what she has don’t play with her”. It was name calling after a few years. I got picked on by some girl who thought was stronger than me and more popular. I took a stand and told her to leave me alone and told her that I was tired of her bull crap. So in 8th grade it all went away. 
I used sports to get all of my feelings fade away, my running was my passion and it was a way to relieve my stress and relax in a way".
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
"Roses are the few things people that commit suicide receive after being bullied and judged.
Outreaching their message is what people don’t understand. One who does understand should take a stand and make a change. Speak up and represent those who can’t and those who are afraid. You can become a her to them and gain the trust". 
Oil on Wood Panel l 33”x33” l 2013
Heroes Of Our Generation

Heroes Of Our Generation

Heroes Of Our Generation is an art project that gives voice to the victims of bullying and those who are taking a stand against it.
