Profil appartenant à Becky Clark

California State Parks: 70 Ribbon Project

In 2012, California State Parks faced a budget cut that would close 70 of their parks from the public, leaving them uncared for and vulnerable. The 70 Ribbon Project sought to raise awareness, and raise funds, for these parks.
The Digital Forest homepage. As donations come in for each park, the tree representing it grows. Once enough has been donated, the flag on that tree is broken and the park is saved from closure.
A flag wrapped around a tree trunk has always meant the coming end. We'd like to turn that symbol upside down and let it represent hope and growth.
There are 70 trees in this forest. Each represents a California State Park that faces closure due to state budget cuts. That's nearly 162,000 acres of trails, coastline, natural reserve, and more to be left unmaintained and vulnerable to trash and graffitti. Please, help these trees grow so that these flags can be broken and our parks can remain open.
There would also be a physical ribboned forest of native California birches in public plazas in cities such as L.A., San Francisco, and San Diego. Each ribbon would be printed with a QR code, allowing you to scan it, learn about the parks, and donate.
70 Ribbon Project flags, not representing any particular park, would also be wrapped around streetlights and signposts throughout California. These would also have a QR code to allow you to donate via your phone.
California State Parks: 70 Ribbon Project
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California State Parks: 70 Ribbon Project

Awareness and donation campaign for California State Parks. Art directed by Samantha Hinrichs.

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