Profilo di Anne Selling

Oh deer (full series)



Full series

An analogy to the 7 stations of the way of the cross and the suffering of a deer instead of Jesus Christ. 
It should work as catharsis for the beholder, like the pietà in Catholicism.
 Mankind should be fully aware of the complaint every single animal have to get through, so we can consume their meat as often as we do it nowadays.
We lost knowledge about the living animal and often only see the final good and not the povider of our food  any more. This series tries to make one overthink their frequency of meat consume and pays homage to every animal which suffer for our wealth.
I. Verurteilung zum Tode
I. Sentence of death
II. Das Reh haucht seinen Geist aus
II. The deer exhale its spirit
III. Das Reh wird seiner Haut beraubt
III. The deer 'twill bereft its skin
IV. Die Öffnung des Leibes
IV. Opening of the body
V. Trennung der Gliedmaßen vom Körper
V. Separation of limbs and body
VI. Das Reh wird seines Fleisches beraubt
VI. The deer 'twill bereft its flesh
VII. Die Beweinung des übrigen Leibes
VII. Lamentation of the remaining body
each 41x58
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Oh deer (full series)

Oh deer (full series)

Series of 7 wood prints
