Eszter Godina 的個人檔案

My childhood memories – Magazine Illustrations

childhood memories

Processing my childhood memories with illustrations and character drawings.
My grandmother often took us home from the kindergarten through the garden of the neighbour lady. We loved watching the beautiful flowers together, it was our "secret garden".
We used to vacation a lot in the village, with my grandfather and grandmother. My fondest memories of the time spent there were the evenings we sat outside on the patio, talking, joking and enjoying the silence of the countryside.
One of my favorite family habits was baking gingerbread before Christmas. It was great to work on the cakes together, but by the end somehow there was always too much dough and my mom finished them.
There is a 10 year age difference between my youngest sister and me, which I am very happy about because I can still watch fairy tales and play with her, so I can be a child yet with her.
My childhood memories – Magazine Illustrations


My childhood memories – Magazine Illustrations

Processing my childhood memories with illustrations and character drawings.
