The brief was to choose a musician and create a 24-hour facility which would operate as a club in the evening and would have another function during the day (linked to the musician).
Exploded axometric showing the different levels of the barge
Location: Harbour

This is a 24-hour facility. The musician chosen was Sombear, he uses his music as a personal journal where he expresses his emotions and sings about difficult situations and thoughts. This then inspired the programme of this Barge, during the day it is a wellness facility where people can receive counselling or express themselves the way they choose and in the evening this is a nightclub where the artist chosen could perform.
The counselling pods are formed as maze-like structures so that the occupants receiving counselling are able to disappear into the maze and this gives a sense of privacy. Onlookers will not see patients entering the counselling rooms. The way the rooms have been shaped and placed allows for fluidity of movement and this further emphasises the idea of the maze.
Sombear uses light in his music videos to express different emotions. Light has been used in a dynamic way in this building where skylights, facing North, pull in light and columns (with the use of glass and mirrors) bounce and carry the light to the bottom of the building(which is below ground level).
Section looking at the relationship between the stage and the different levels
Handmade model
The building is triple volume and this allows people visual access to the stage at all times. The pods can not be seen on all levels and are only experienced and viewed on the ground level.


