
What is an EPK?
EPK stands for an electronic press kit. An EPK often referred to as a media kit in business environments, is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials that provide information about a person, company, organization or cause and which is distributed to members of the media for promotional use. They’re for making a strong first impression with promoters and journalists, by telling your artist story and highlighting your career achievements. It is used for artists to promote themselves, and their art all in one place.

What makes this EPK different?
This EPK will be tailored to you and you only. It will be a virtual, visual representation of who you are, your artistry, what you do, and where you do it, with some added flair to let the viewer feel your essence through the screen. In addition to all of that, it will be interactive! Hidden hyperlinks will be added on the pdf, giving whoever has access to it the ability to see your work, hear your music, or send a direct email, all by clicking a link. Think of it as an interactive resume.

Artist EPK's


Artist EPK's
