Profil Mindy Hamann

Shawnee State Major Brochure

Colleges and universities recruit students by sending out brochures. Brochures may be used to provide a general overview of a school to prospective students. This brochure happens to be for a particular program that is offered at Shawnee. It provides the reader with eye-catching information that may entice them to pick Shawnee as their go-to college. A college brochure serves as the face of your educational institute that offers details about the courses, infrastructure, core values, heritage, teaching staff, facilities and achievements. A college brochure is the first branding collateral that introduces your organization to your prospects. It is important to have a college/educational brochure that attracts students and provides every answer to the queries that they possess.
For my brochure I decided to use Graphic Design as my program to represent since I can easily make taglines for something I already know. The idea for my brochure was to have a wide variety of imagery on the front that would encapsulate the program and what it’s like. The grid system would also be unique and stand out compared to other college brochure because most just feature a single hero image on the cover. I wanted to give Shawnee a more adult look to reflect the preparation that they provide for a student’s future. A modern and approachable design with a sense of style, that was the idea. After all, why fit in when we can stand out?
Brochures were really only something I did back at my career center, so this was a great way to see how my eye for graphic design has really been amplified. No longer was it a gangly cluttered mess of colors and fonts, instead it was a kind of cluttered, grid based, readable piece. I still had to put my own flair in the work so that was my excuse of using my own work in the rectangles on the cover. A pop of color amidst the otherwise blue and grey palette. This project taught me that restraint is hard but sometimes less really is more. One has to let things breath sometimes in design and not every corner needs a pop of something. After I was done with everything I went and compared it to those brochures I did so long ago and was astonished. I didn’t really think I had progressed that much, but maybe I am learning a thing or two after all, or maybe I’m just getting old.
Shawnee State Major Brochure


Shawnee State Major Brochure
