The seeds of a dandelion flower are flown by the wind until they find their right spot for germination. Some of them may even arrive in your house, in the Achena plant pot.

The porcelain pot is versatile as it can be hung from a ceiling or in front of a window or be placed on any surface, thanks to it's flexible silicone bottom. The main quality of Achena is, however, the fact that it takes up very little space which makes it ideal for small apartments.

Though at first glance, it may look like a basic, average looking plant pot, it's the story behind it and it's concept that make it interesting.
This project was an assignment for my 2nd year of university which required studying a plant of your choice and designing a product based on what parts or attributes of it you find most inspiring. 

The plant I chose was the common dandelion. I studied the anatomy of the plant and decided that what I found most inspiring were it's seeds and how they take flight with the help of wind and because of their pappus (the small, fluffy, dried florets on top of the seed) and float until they land and start to germinate. 
The project went to multiple different stages of thinking and rethinking it's design and it's purpose but it is still in it's prototype stages.


