Bastet is the Egyptian goddess of the home, domesticity, women's secrets, cats, and fertility. The figure is depicted with this idea in mind. Bastet is typically depicted as a domestic house cat or a human female with a feline head. 

She is seen here with feminine birthing hips to symbolize fertility and domesticity. Her leg is exposed to emphasize her sexuality and her promiscuous nature as a feline. She is looking at her curled hand to have a sense of comfort for the home and domesticity. The pool of fabric from the dress that is surrounding her feet is meant to mimic the Egyptian symbol for the sun since she is the daughter of Ra. 

Her skin is typically depicted as yellow, so her leg is seen as gold in this logo. Her proportions are meant to mimic a combination of the idealized forms of Amarna period of Egyptian art and the lengthened forms of fashion illustration. Egyptians were known for altering and lengthening their body forms and this is also seen in the unrealistic proportions of the fashion industry. Her extended shoulders and neck are meant to reflect the idea of high fashion. Many drawings of the female form will have extended proportions to extenuate the various flows and forms of fabric. Overall, the piece is meant to be fierce and empowering.
Bastet Logo


Bastet Logo
