Cornerstone 3- Sleeping Bear Dunes
Sarah Crews January 2021
Cornerstone 3 Sleeping Bear Dunes- This is a National Park project. Sleeping Bear Dunes is located in Michigan. There are various things that can be done while you are visiting this park. Biking, hiking, camping, scuba diving, dune climbing, and skiing can be done while visiting the park. There is also reenactments of the ship wreaks and various other historical buildings and history to learn about. 

The logo- The logo is of a bear sleeping with the dunes behind it. The bear and dunes can be used as an icon to identify the park on bumper stickers or various other products. 

Wireframes- This is the final five page layout of Sleeping Bear Dunes. I updated the logo to my logo for the website and left the light airy colors for the webpages. 

Advertisement- For the first sign in advertisement is a billboard of the bear sleeping on the dunes with the come follow the Dunes at the bottom of the page. Where you will find this is on the road in Michigan. The second ad is a hot air balloon. This will be in and around the park. This balloon is also featured in the hot air ballon festal across Michigan. The third ad is poster of the dunes, this poster has the website and social media links to follow. You can find this in and around the park. It is also found on the street poles, book stores, ranger stations, hiking trails info board, bike shops, and various other places. 

Employee Shirts- These can be found by the employees on the park. All Camp and workers are required to wear this so campers and hikers can identify them for help and questions. All shirts are Green with purple and brown. It has the name of the park on the back so people can see it when approaching from behind and the logo on the front right pec.  

Merchandising (Other)- There is a bumper sticker with the logo and the address and a small saying. A backpack that comes in green that can hold all your camping gear and hiking gear. There are also patches with the bear and the font logo on it that can be used for the backpack or anything else you'd like to put a patch on. 

Merchandising (Shirts)- These shirts come in many different colors and designs. They are for males, females, and kids. Check out the local shops on the park for your own shirt. Some of these shirts have the logo on the arm or the font logo there where others have the bear on the chest or the font logo on the chest. 

Programs Used- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, and Adobe Illustrator.
Cornerstone 3- Sleeping Bear Dunes


Cornerstone 3- Sleeping Bear Dunes
