Profil von Mindy Hamann

The Fabric of Our Solar System

The Solar System is a key part of a science education when growing up. Learning about space and what is in the great beyond is something that should be fun and tantalizing. 

This project for my university had the goal to create a fun and engaging poster that would educate middle schoolers about the solar system. I was quite eager to put my all into this project since seeing the posters of student’s past in the hallways. I wanted to inspire a freshman into wanting to create an out-of-this-world design just like I did 4 years ago. I decided to embrace the idea of embroidery even though I knew it would take forever and I had to somehow figure out how to do this in vector format. However, after a lot of perseverance and tears, I was able to figure out a system to make vectors look like stitches. A lot of grueling hours and all-nighter’s later, I was able to produce an impressionist, embroidered version of the solar system that would entice the viewer. I wanted to make a poster that students could get lost in and inspire to learn more about what they see. It was meant to be whimsical and fun while retaining some of my own flair which turned into a poster I never thought I’d create.
    *Have a sense of awe that the solar system itself should evoke
    *Make a unique poster that someone definitely would not think of for something like this      
    *Entice the viewer to want to explore
The Fabric of Our Solar System


The Fabric of Our Solar System
