Corey Johnston 님의 프로필

The Tree of Hopes and Dreams

The Tree of
Hopes and Dreams

This image was inspired by a prompt in a Discord art community server I belong to.  It required three things:  a landscape, a tree, and incorporation of the concept of "inside/out".  The tree was to communicate a contrast to something in the image as well.

This is what came out of my head.

It speaks to that moment before making a choice.  A moment laden with unknown potential and light, but aware of the dark emptiness of the known.  There are many moments in life like this, where one knows there are signs right in front of you that mean something, but figuring out their intent leads to confusion.  That moment of trepidation and fear, yet optimistic and excited at the same time.

It hearkens, in some ways, to Hamlet's plight:  "To be or not to be."  To move into action, or stay inanimate and still.  To be an active participant, or to be passive.  To move forward or stay back.  To make a choice, or not.

I know we all have these moments.  They get easier to get past as we age into adulthood.  But sometimes they never go away.  And we question whether to move forward into something we don't know anything about or stay safely in a world of knowns but lose the brightness in our world by closing the door.  What treasures wait for us in our own futures?  Or are those dangers?  Do those bags in the branches have everything we hope and dream and want?  Or not?

The Tree of Hopes and Dreams


The Tree of Hopes and Dreams


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