Profil użytkownika „Hugh Gurin”

One Medical - "Healthcare, New York Style."

One Medical Group - "Healthcare, New York Style."
Spec out-of-home campaign. Mortar, San Francisco 2010
So, One Medical is a private healthcare group that offers concierge-level care for a yearly fee of about $149. I  use them myself, and they're great. They are expanding into NYC, and called us up to tell us they wanted to "kick some ass."   We may have kicked a little too hard.  But we had fun trying. Enjoy.
BODY COPY: "The Doctor's Office - Now Available in Business-Class. $149/year."
BODY COPY: "Concierge-style care. $149/year. This won't hurt a bit."
One Medical - "Healthcare, New York Style."

One Medical - "Healthcare, New York Style."

A spec campaign for a concierge-style healthcare group looking to break into the NYC market.

