Raj  的个人资料

Designed & Illustrated

" Pipe Dreams " was the word that got this branding project started in the first place. Pipe dreams is the meaning of wishful thinking ( synonyms: castle in the air, daydream, fantasy, golden dream, fool's paradise). I decided to use this meaning with the context of giving what my clients would want; Which is at the end of the day to fulfill their aims, wishes & goals no matter how crazy one could be
My Mind's My Kingdom
420 mm x 297 mm
Illustration with custom typography
The website's design direction was greatly inspired by old newspaper advertising articles that i collected as archive. Using the newly created personal brand identity in conjunction with old newspaper typesettings i was able to draw this design out. Also looked into the optimization of this design, so that it would be flexible among the ranges of mobile & tablet platforms

Also after thoughts on social media networking, i have decided to take a step into facebook page. The different branding elements created have been used on to the facebook page, to have the sense of similarity across my entire portfolio
Designed & Illustrated

Designed & Illustrated

After putting much thoughts on this, i have decided to take a less serious apporach with the brand that promotes me as an designer & illustrator. 阅读更多内容
