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Non Profit Organizations for Childrens

Non-Profit Organizations Work Hard As Girls May Not Go Back To School After The Pandemic

Non-profit organizations are working relentlessly around the clock to ensure students' return to schools worldwide as the pandemic wave cools down. 

Globally, schools were shut down this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is no stranger to us. With the pandemic wave lowering in many countries, schools are thinking of opening their doors to children again. But will all children return? 

"The longer schools remained closed, the more damaging the consequences. Especially for children from more disadvantaged backgrounds, who in addition to learning, rely on school for health or safety, and sometimes for nutrition," says Audrey Azoulay, director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a non-profit organization

According to UNESCO, 11 million girls might not return to school this year due to COVID-19's unprecedented education disruption. Girls are more at risk of dropping out than boys, as women and girls are more vulnerable to the pandemic's worst effects socially. 

Women are habitually the ones to be shunned from stepping out in such severe crises. We have previously witnessed this behavior on two occasions. First, when the 2008 Global Recession Crisis took place, stagnating education cutting sources to funding girl child education. The second time, during the Ebola virus outbreak in Africa in 2014, we observed student removal, especially girls from schools.

Malala Fund, too, estimates that close to 20 million girls may never return to the classroom again after the pandemic if dropouts increase at the current rate. With a scarcity of food resources and essential utilities such as medicines, many families' livelihoods have been affected. 

For children from underprivileged families, in particular, the pandemic has also brought ill-health. Every second child in India is suffering from severe malnutrition. The last couple of months have made it worse for them to access healthcare facilities. Shortly, developing countries may struggle to provide financial help to support schools and teachers within them.

At Magic Bus, we have jumped into action to ensure that girls are not being left behind in the race for education in disadvantaged communities. Working with children and India's youth as a Non Profit Organizations for Children ensures that children can earn their livelihood without depending on someone else. 

By donating towards this cause, you will be empowering Magic Bus to work with children between 12 and 18. This would further help us to successfully fend off early marriage and child labor of these young kids. 

We have been fighting to provide bare essentials enabling children and young people to complete secondary education, which could be a lost cause if a girl child cannot return to school. 

You can also help by donating to Magic Bus, where we ensure that we take a million children from childhood to livelihood. Contribute to transforming the lives of the young ones today! 

About Magic Bus USA:

Magic Bus works with children and young people in India taking them on a journey from Childhood to Livelihood and out of poverty.

You can also reach out to us at: Non Profit Organizations for Children: 
Email ID:
Address: Magic Bus USA, 1080 Eldridge Parkway,
Suite 1150, Houston, TX 77077
Non Profit Organizations for Childrens

Non Profit Organizations for Childrens

