Mattia Rubino sin profil

SE ITC nuclear multimedia infocenter

ITC Logo system
Info Trainig Center gives to the public 360° experience of energy sources. ITC logos are the evolution of the square logo
of Slovenské Elektrárne. The concept of learning about energy is wide and It needs to have more design solutions.
With different design solutions It is possible to have a recognizable costumized Identity.
Everything start with a square.
ITC color shape
ITC 360° logo identity
ITC Metamorphosis research (example)
ITC Final research
ITC Brand identity
ITC brochure cover
ITC Istitutional brochure
ITC Business cards
ITC Visual text relation
ITC Covers book
ITC City adv
ITC Brand merchandising
ITC Web / App
ITC Wayfinding / map system
 ITC Multimedial experience inside the Infocenter
01 Led floor / Glass wall
Abstract concept – connected with selection of energy source (wind, water, solar, ...). Entertainment for the audience.
Option: choice of the energy (hydro, solar, wind) on the LED floor by which the percentage is calculated
(at the end of the tour visitors can vote for the energy as well)
02 The world map
Map that display the world of energy, where it’s produced, where and how is transported.
Specific information (for ex. about Slovakia) are presented on the top, where there is free space.
03 The Globe
Number of population changes and energy demand changes, sustainability questions:
- population growth, what it is causing to our planet
- energy needs of population
- how much of sources do we have, how long they are going to last.
04 History + Future of energy
- Move along the timeline: backwards to the past and forward to the future.
- Click on “milestones” (texts, pictures or videos) to open and play contents.
05 Fission reaction
Print of info-graphic + screens with videos on freestanding panel moveable, combination of static and dynamic parts.
06 Emotional room
“Where does the energy come from?”
The concept of the emotional video installation is the birth of life/ energy, from the Big Bang through the forming of the Earth, the creation of energy sources in the Nature, to the human history. Video in loop, in between there is something else projected (so its clear, that it is end of the the projection), we do not have to close the door to the emotional room.
07 Stairs
Info-graphic with information about Uranium
08 Radiation + Safety topic
- Spectrum of radiation on the floor from outside of the stomach
- Cloud chamber
- Panels with information on radiation and the safety
- Map with monitoring stations (monitoring stations lightning)
09 Radioactive waste
10 Games + Fun corner
- Kinetic game: Energy land, “the Minister of energy” (Game for kids using low technology or based on mechanical action)
- Photo corner: e-postcard (on this floor or ground floor near reception desk)
- Quiz: answering questions connected with the tour, visitor that get enough points can win ITC
- Game based on producing electricity (mechanical)
- see existing SE multimedia: Energetika interaktivne DVD and Elko adventures for possible use or modifications Topic
Footprint + Backpack
Set personal information about your lifestyle and calculate your impact.
SE ITC nuclear multimedia infocenter

SE ITC nuclear multimedia infocenter

Design project for ITC Info Trading Center in Slovakia by ENEL SE. ITC is a place to learn at 360° all the energy sources and to understand more Se mer
