Title : Sticker Zoo
Date : May 2013
Medium : Adobe Photoshop
Size : 13.5" x 13.5"
This design was to fit the dimensions of a mini scarf.  I really wanted a highly colorful design because rarely do I ever see scarfs in the right shades of rainbow color that I get so attracted to.  Googly-eyed, sticking-out-tongue animals soon came into my brainstorming, and after drawing so many animals, I had to arrange them in an eye-pleasing way on a square page.  Choosing to line them up with their duplicates in a verticle fashion and give every animal a white border, I saw that their appearance altogether looked like a sticker sheet.  My peers have commented on how this design looks so similar in style to Lisa Frank.  Like hitting the nail on the head, I am a huge fan of Lisa Frank.  However, it was not until I received those comments that I realized how much of my childhood have affected my art style.
[ original pattern file ]
Drawn with Wacom Tablet in Adobe Photoshop.
Sticker Zoo

Sticker Zoo

Square scarf design featuring a list of numerous animals.
