Concept for next generation city events
The World is celebrating

People enjoy their Festivals and celebrate to come together with friends, their family and people from distant and not so distant places.
A time that everyone is looking ahead. 

But this time everything has changed

 An unknown future that we look ahead.
"change of time"
How to face an Event in postpandemic times?
How to come together without hurting each other?
How to still keep up the spirit and the enjoyment?
To be entertained and connected to our loved ones

To create an experience for all the guests,- for all the citizens, -for the world.

The main Idea is based on the construction of a medial-mirror with an integrated camera in the display surface.
This object is able to scan and display the persons and the environment in front of it.
A situation that everyone is aware of. A situation that holds everyone fascinated and amazes since childhood.
To marvel about and to be confronted with oneself.

An identical construction on the backside of the Object Interacts with the front side and enables fascinating transparencies and see-thru effects.
This new kind of medial concept interactions welcomes to audience to experiment and explore the installation.
A connection of Places, of Cities from Continents.
Communication to break barriers.
To See each other,
To Understand each other.
To be near each other.

Connected and cross-linked with each other and the Internet enables Interaction and communication.

But this network is not bound to local structures.
United with other Portals around the world a connected experience is created.
With a real size image from yourself and another.

A mirror image to play with,- to present yourself and to share with the world.

The Big Presentation

Resting upon the MirrorPortals emerges a complex stage-structure.
A construction that projects the stage inside-out.
A walkway enables the performer to enter the Structure and its magic.
A Hall of mirrors that creates unusual and unexpected images.
Compared with other Installations there are no limitations of the visual axis for the spectators.
Because of the complex structure the POLYTOP creates the image of a shimmering crystal visible from every angle.
Images that will be seen around the world.

Connected with the MirrorPortals a city comprehensive experience is generated. 

A multipresent - A Multimedial experience.
Mirror Portals


Mirror Portals
