Profil von Michael Kunka

Advantages of Investing While Young

Michael “Mike” Kunka is a Midway High School graduate who was a member of the National Honor Society, student council, and Business Professionals of America (BPA). Additionally, he played varsity and junior varsity sports while owning his own business, MAK Lawn Service, in Waco, Texas. Although young, Michael Kunka already has a keen interest in investing and trading stocks.

There are a number of benefits to investing while still young. For example, when young adults begin investing in their late teens and early 20s, they have the advantage of time. With dividend investing, their investments will compound over the years, making earnings grow exponentially. The earlier investing starts, the more wealth can be generated over a lifetime.

Becoming successful at investing and understanding markets takes trial and error, but investing as early as possible allows more time for learning. Since young people often have less responsibilities, they have the flexibility to explore various strategies and have years to recover from mistakes.

Finally, because young adults have decades of earning ahead of them, they can take on investments that are higher risk and pursue an aggressive portfolio, which can yield greater earnings. On the other hand, when investing later in life, closer to retirement, it may be too risky to take on volatile investments.
Advantages of Investing While Young

Advantages of Investing While Young

