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中南 | 南通老街--张家老爹的理想国

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面积 | 4200平米
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开业 | 2020年4月26日

Idea Design|XIA GU SHU YU
执行设计总监 | 黑进朝
​​​​​​​主创团队|颜诗璇 / 石鹤松 / 刘立楠 / 胡哲铭 /  孟圣杰 /  马良 / 毕熙佳 / 范向阳 /徐英淳 / 郭益明 / 郝尉辛 / 段思伟 / 叶飞
商务 | 李宁 / 丁思奇 / 迪丽达尔
照明设计 | 同原照明 / 朗晟光环境
推广 | 柴安芳/ 来文静


初中历史课本八年级上册6.1中国近代民族工业 (必考题)

1,清代末年,规模最大的纱厂大生纱厂,老百姓都以在大生纱厂工作为荣,这个纱厂的创办者是(  )
A:冼星海 B:詹天佑 C:张謇 D:侯德榜

2,大生纱厂所在地,被称作中国近代第一城是中国的(  )
A:南通 B:上海 C:襄阳 D:长沙


Who is the father of the Zhang family? to help you remember
Junior High School History Textbook Grade 8 Volume 1 6.1 Modern Chinese National Industry (Required Questions)
1. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Dasheng Spinning Mill, the largest spinning mill, was proud of working in Dasheng Spinning Mill. The founder of this spinning mill was ( )
A: Xian Xinghai B: Zhan Tianyou C: Zhang Jian D: Hou Debang
2. The location of Dasheng Spinning Mill, known as the first city in modern China, belongs to China ( )
A: Nantong B: Shanghai C: Xiangyang D: Changsha
That's right, our father of the Zhang family is Zhang Jian (jiǎn), a modern industrialist. He was written in history textbooks, recorded in history books, appeared in CCTV documentaries, and his photos were also hung in major modern museums.


In Nantong, no one does not know Zhang Jian. He is a household name and a national idol. If there is a historical and cultural themed scene block in Nantong, how can the story of Zhang Jian be missing.
Our research has found that Mr. Zhang Jian has a wide range of interests. In addition to the modern industry described in the history textbook, he also has high attainments and contributions in many fields such as photography, music, drama, film, agriculture, railways, sea reclamation, and market culture. Said to be an outstanding representative of cross-border life winners.
He is Zhang Jian, a historical celebrity, teacher Zhang, an educator, President Zhang, an industrialist, Ji Zhi, a literary youth, and a lovely old man in the market.

中南 | 南通老街--张家老爹的理想国

中南 | 南通老街--张家老爹的理想国


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