Panah Sanat Part was established in 1999 under the registration no. 331671, as a private joint stock company, with a view to provide the needs of Engineering and Construction field.
They are among the most experienced companies with over two decades of experience in construction and erection of industrial unites.
Panah Sanat Part owes its success to paying heed to quality assurance, contribution, continual improvement, training, and complying with the local, national, and international rules as well as regulatory standards regarding health, safety,
environment, and technical issues. In this time, Panah Sanat Part has grade 1 of oil, gas and buildings and also grade 2 of installations & equipment by information of Iranian Management and Planning Organization.

These are some of the ideas that I had for this logo, I tried to use drops of oil and a symbol of sun. When I reach the final form of the logo the client need a flame that be on the top of the logo, so I put some different forms of a flame to reach the final design.
They need a logo to represent their experience, their class and their abilities, So I decided to use English words to make an international logo as they work as an international company, I make a monogram by it’s words to represent their name and the type of work that they do by inspiring form the pipes that they use to in their building structures.
Panah Sanat Part


Panah Sanat Part
