Fire Starters
Being properly equipped to survive the harshest of terrains requires the proper tools. A Fire Starter Kit is one of the basic tools that is needed in such situations. Fire Starter Kits comes in different types i have learned this on

This is a special type of matches, designed to be moisture proof. Some persons doubt if this actually exist, in actual sense, it does and it comes, well packaged in a water proof container. This is a very important type of matches as each match is capable of staying lit for up to 12 seconds even after being submerged in water. This is an inexpensive survival fire starter kit.

Tinder pouch, blowpipe and pencil sharpener

This is a fire kit that can be assembled by almost anyone. It comprises of a small tinder pouch which is actually an old tobacco pouch made into a small leather bag. In the bag is a small tube used as a blowpipe, tinder and kindling that can be gotten from the immediate surroundings. A pencil sharpener can also be included to sharpen the wood, giving it a pointed tip. This combination forms a great fire starter.

EXOTAC nanoSTRIKER XL Outdoor Fire Starter

Sometimes, during camping, a lighter and matches may not be an obvious solution for starting a fire. In such case, EXOTAC nanoSTRIKER XL Outdoor Fire Starter becomes the desired alternative. This method of starting a fire may seem too primitive, but it is better than most other methods. It is made up of anodized aluminium, based on a previous version, however, this is more improved design, handling a larger ferrocerium rod resulting in more durability surpassing the previous versions.

Sparxgear Fire Piston

This makes fire lighting easier and more fun as it makes use of an improved fire starting technology that originates form South East Asia. It is made of a hollow cylinder and a piston. The piston is forced down the cylinder to create an ember which can be used to light a tinder. It is a convenient alternative to matches and lighters.

Magnifying Glass and a Tinder

This makes a great combination for a basic fire starter kit. Looking at objects through a magnifying glass makes an object larger. This is because an area 1/32 inch in size at the focal point is spread across an area 2 or more inches at the lens, this makes the object about sixty times the size. When the sun rays hits a lens, the rays is directed to the focal point. Instead of making an object larger, all the light from the 2 inch surface is directed to 1/32 inch area this makes that spot about 60 times hotter. This is sufficient heat to light up a tinder and start up a fire.

Magnesium Fire Starter

This is the best survival fire starter kit that is recommended for back packers, fishermen and hunting expedition. It is so simple to use. All that needs to be done is simply scrape off magnesium with a knife, ignite the shavings by scraping the spine of the block to create sparks. This generates enough heat to light up tinder.
Fire Starters

Fire Starters


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