Title Art
Obviously a Clue clone, this entire game set is a prop created for use in an online puzzle game. Because the host game offers cash value prizes, the title here is changed and no references are being made to where it appears to avoid spoilers. 
Game Blueprint
The first step in the project was to get approval on the layout of the game board, based on a study of different variations of the popular mystery game.
Depth Model
The client was in favor of a diorama style game board, but did not have the budget for a true 3D model, so I devised an overhead depth model, and used this to flesh out the board. 
Room Details
Before showing the final board, here are detailed views of the individuals rooms, starting from the top left and going around clockwise. Each room had to be textured and furnished in a distinctive style. On the plus side, the project allowed me to use the photopaintings created for but never used in another game development project. There was even a call to use DAZ to render the statues used in the Gallery. I'll feature the full set on their own project page. 
Since the game itself is a prop within another game, it needed to show a game in progress with all of the related pieces. The props needed to have a more realistic depth, acheived witth some edge lighting and a drop shadow in the case of the envelope and cards; and the 3D tools in Photoshop for the pawns. 
Whodunit - A Mystery Game Inside a Puzzle Game
2012 - Photoshop CS5, DAZ4
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A Clue style mystery game designed as a prop for an online puzzle-game. The objective was to provide a detailed, top-down view of a game in progr Daha Fazla Bilgi

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