A simple UI design for a TO-DO application.

                    Category:  UI/UX design
                          Inspired by: Youtube

This is the first page of the TO DO app where viewers will get a simple look and description of the app and the button for  get started with the app.
Thisi the registration page where users will be ask to give their name, mail address, and password for creation an account.  If they have already done their registration then they can directly click on the sign in button for log in. 
Log in page from where users can directly go to their TO DO app page.
This is the TO DO app page where users can watch time and based on that they do complete their tasks, create one or ✅ on the list if that has already been completed. 
This is a recording of the UI design and the prototype to show how the app will work.
                                          THANK YOU

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Copyright © 2021 Farjana Ferdousi Tamanna
UI design of a TO-DO app

UI design of a TO-DO app
