"To be put in someone else's shoes" is a phrase we have often heard. How people see and interpret things is always different to what we ourselves might experience, but it is often difficult to understand someone else's perspective. I began taking macro photographs out of interest to begin with, but eventually came to realise how different focal lengths and apertures created different pictures; different stories. Stories and accounts all vary between people, but we don't always consider other people's views till it we experience their perspective first hand, in which their shoes become our shoes. 
This became a very symbolic topic, where I began photographing things from various focal lengths to achieve different photographs made up of the same angle and subject. It was interesting to see how the photographs looked quite different, even though all that had changed was the perspective. 
The shoes of a dandelion, so to speak: we can see nearly all of the seeds around the seed head in this triptych - all of it's stories.

So many shoes

So many shoes

Looking at perspective, and how it can be interpreted using various media and subjects.
