Full Leather Fine Binding
Created during a workshop taught by Daniel Kelm at the Garage Annex School in Easthampton, MA. Full calf leather binding, hollow back, link-stitched signatures, hand sewn silk head bands.

Box Making
Covered box, made with black and iridescent green book fabric.
Japanese Stab Book
Made with washi and stamped paper, with linen thread and paper corners.
Pop Up Book 
I made this book to illustrate my five biggest fears when I was about five years old. In order they were: Death, Vampires, Spiders, The Creepy Branch Outside My Window, and Something Catastrophic Happening to My House. Sadly, no photo of the final page, ... because something catastrophic happened to it.
Embellished Accordion
A book for my Color class, which had to involve primary, secondary and tertiary colors. I chose gem stones (which conveniently come in all colors) and the various healing powers that each is reputed to have. The book is a basic accordion format, with a different card to represent each stone. The "stones" all have a different traditional cut, and each is held in place by a "pave setting."
Open Spine Binding
Open spine! Yellow thread!
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