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Knick knacks: Bonus pack

Knick Knacks: Bonus pack
The backpack has a cartoonish, 2D design to appeal to kids. It uses the colors of the Knick Knacks logo (red and yellow) and blue (from the Double Choco variant). These primary colors are also used as it is targeted to elementary students.

The “Baon Pack” label is an easy to peel sticker, while the logo of the brand itself can be found on the bag tag attached to the zipper so that they can use the bag, especially in school, without the logo being too obvious/loud. It uses a sans serif font so that the promo’s message can be communicated straightforward. It is named as “Baon Pack” as kids always bring light snacks to eat for recess time in school.
This project is for educational purposes only. It was done for Trade and Promotions class.
This is non-commercial work, and was not done in collaboration with the snack brand from Philippines, Knick Knacks.
Knick knacks: Bonus pack

Knick knacks: Bonus pack
