Adventure Theme
Adventure is a beautifully crafted, responsive and retina optimized WordPress theme designed for sharing life adventures. The theme was created with travelers, explorers and adventure related businesses in mind.
Adventure features a full width featured slideshow for showcasing you’re most important articles. It includes a biography section for sharing social media links and information about you or your company. The theme is compatible with the Google Maps Widget plugin for displaying your location or current whereabouts. In addition, Adventure was constructed from our Seed Theme framework, featuring a variety of useful page templates, shortcodes, featured videos, WooCommerce and Gravity Forms compatibility and much more. The theme is beautifully coded with commenting, and features several theme options for easy customization.
For theme installation and customizations
For theme installation and customizations
Adventure Theme

Adventure Theme

Adventure is a beautifully crafted, responsive and retina optimized WordPress theme designed for sharing life adventures. The theme was created w Read More
