Karin Ollermark 님의 프로필My Mikkelsen Sjöholm 님의 프로필

Project Scrimshaw Coffee

Project Scrimshaw coffee - sign up flow and brand book
School group project in collaboration with 
The task for this project was to create a sign-up flow and style guide for a company of one's choosing. The company that we choose to do a sign-up flow and style guide is Scrimshaw coffee. To create a sign-up flow we researched about other sign-up flows for similar companies and analysed how they are experienced and designed. 

Wireframe sketch for design in Adobe XD:
Style guide that was created after analysing Scrimshaws Coffee.

The sign-up flow that was created based on style guide. 

(This was a small task to get introduced to Graphical User Interfaces, and scrimshaw coffee has nothing to do with this project)

Project Scrimshaw Coffee

Project Scrimshaw Coffee


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