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M'NAWA: An EcoFriendly Footwear Brand Concept for Women

"Lake Sebu"

Lake Sebu is the crowning jewel of South Cotabato, wherein local culture is centered around the lake and the tribespeople are very much connected with nature and its natural environment. The gentle waves of the greenish-blue water in Lake Sebu reflects 
the absolute serenity and calmness of the place and its inhabitants.

The beauty of the land and green landscape around it are very much highlighted under the vivid rays of sunlight. This shoe design describes the entire beautiful landscape of Lake Sebu during daytime.
Years ago, I made an eco-friendly shoe design concepts utilizing the use of natural resources, such as bamboo and Abaca fibers. Usual materials used to produce footwear, such as plastic heels and leather are causing environmental pollution and animal slaughter. With this, I got the idea of changing these materials into locally-produced substitutes to fasten the production & to produce eco-friendly footwear designs. 

M'NAWA: An Eco-Friendly Footwear Brand Concept for Women

"M'nawa" (ma-nyah-wa) means to breathe in Tagabilil language. The main objective of our brand is to make the dying shoe industry and local craftsmanship alive by keeping them breathing.
M'NAWA: An EcoFriendly Footwear Brand Concept for Women


M'NAWA: An EcoFriendly Footwear Brand Concept for Women
