The goal of this project was to design a brand for a fictional interior paint company that makes themed home delivered paint kits and to create a system based on the concept and name that is created for the company.
I was inspired by beautiful phenomena found in space, specifically nebulae, massive clouds of gas and dust that are both the result of dying stars and the birthplace of new star systems. Each paint is applied as a single color that, when dried, reveals a multitude of other colors, ranging from subtle hues to room encompassing swaths of swirling of star dust. I wanted to provide customers with a place to find peace, surrounded by ethereal, multicolored walls, in a bubble of their own making. A place where they could relax, away from life, which often feels like it is constantly in motion pulling a person in opposite directions to the point of exhaustion.
Go to my process book to see the research and evolution of my brand and the steps I took to create POLARIS and all its packaging and applications.

