This assignment investigates the learning experiences art and design students encounter using the Zoom platform.The goal is to enhance the learning of art and design students while attending classes remotely via zoom. What is missing and what could be done differently?
I approached Zoom's redesign from a nonverbal communication aspect because an aspect of learning that I miss is sitting next to friends in class where communication is fluid and not hindered by turning on and off a camera and microphone. I felt it had the potential to be used among friends to make students feel as if they are sitting side by side in class where they could exchange expressions and silent looks in real time as a teacher taught. Below is a video walkthrough of my rendition of the Zoom platform, in which I took an existing feature, reactions, and recreated it to allow for users to better and more accurately express themselves. 
Go to my process book to see the evolution and different iterations of my take on the Zoom interface that led to the final video.
Reexamining Zoom

Reexamining Zoom
