Enfagrow A+ Four Right from the Very Start

From Michelle Ortiz, Associate Creative Director:

A TVC that is really close to my heart.

After years of localizing regional TVCs, in 2018 the agency was tasked to create a story for Enfagrow A+ Four from scratch. There was much research and concept building that took place for weeks.

After a lot of deliberation and meetings, the client finally approved an idea with the insight that came from a childhood memory I had with my father. It was about how he told me how he was already proud of me just by stepping up on stage, without even performing yet.

From that came this story.
Client: Reckitt Benckiser
Agency: Ace Saatchi & Saatchi
Executive Creative Director: Greg Martin III
Creative Director: Patrick Balo
Associate Creative Director: Michelle Ortiz
Art Directors: Bea Gatchalian, Anthony Hembrador
Copywriter: Denise Ong Dy

August 2018
Enfagrow A+ Four Right from the Very Start