Sangobion IRON+ Korona ng Buhay

Iron deficiency anemia is easy to underestimate 'cause its symptoms are often confused with a moment of tiredness or a dizzy spell. People brush them off, thinking that they'll feel better in a minute. What they don't notice is how often these symptoms actually occur and the moments they steal away from us.

Sangobion IRON+ tasked us with catching women's attention and educating them on the truth behind these symptoms in this video series. Here, we used the Philippines' recent Miss Universe win as our inspiration, encouraging every Filipina to be a winner in the battle against anemia.

Client: P&G
Agency: Ace Saatchi & Saatchi
Executive Creative Director: Greg Martin III
Creative Director: Patrick Balo
Associate Creative Director: Michelle Ortiz
Art Directors: Bea Gatchalian, Anthony Hembrador
Copywriter: Denise Ong

September 2019
Sangobion IRON+ Korona ng Buhay