Sitemap, User Flows and Empathetic Design

Poise.com Redesign
Client: Kimberly Clark
1 in 3women experience light bladder leakage but are too ashamed to do anything about it. Poise is a unique product and the only one in this space. Its biggest competitors are make-shift solutions. Women do not know that there’s a solution out there. In support of a major ad campaign featuring Whoopi Goldberg on Yahoo’s Shine Network, the Poise.com site’s goal was to normalize LBL (lightbladder leakage) and provide support for women new to this condition.
The design phase for this project was rapid and there are no artifacts to share. It was really just me sitting with two designers and working together to make sure the UX issues were addressed. Before designing, however, I needed to develop and then sell the architecture to our clients. I developed a detailed sitemap that showed how the user might flow through the site and then illustrated this with user stories. The stories were designed to cement the architecture and make the site come to life.
I presented this onsite with the client in Wisconsin. The concepts clicked and we were able to gain some add on business as a result.
The Freshly Redesigned Poise.com Homepage
The Sitemap - Including Out of Scope Items and Site Flow
Sample User Story - Describes Need and Business Goals and How These Are Met


Sitemap and User Stories for the redesign of Poise.com.



Creatieve disciplines