Venice city in Fejér county, Gárdonyi district, on the eastern shore of Lake Velence. It is a rapidly developing spa town of national significance, which is mainly due to the rapid growth of its economy and population due to Lake Velence and the proximity of two large cities, Budapest and Székesfehérvár.

(There is also a werk and a video at the end of the project.)

Location: Hungary, Lake Velence

Previous featured aerial projects:
The Reeds (Featured on Photography)
Normal is boring (Featured on Photography & Photoshop)
Normal is NOT boring (Featured on Photography)
Break out (Featured on Photography)
Deep water (Featured on Photography)
Basketball from above (Featured on Premiere pro & Motion)
Lake Tisza (Featured on Photography)

copyright © Szabó Viktor

Winter Beach


Winter Beach

Venice city in Fejér county, Gárdonyi district, on the eastern shore of Lake Velence. It is a rapidly developing spa town of national significanc Mehr anzeigen
