„Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
– Erol Ozan

„Beautiful Paths”, 2020 ©Dawid Planeta

Think about all beautiful things that happened in your life because you got lost.
When things went not the way you wanted, not the way you planned.
You were late, you failed, you forgot.
Or you really wanted something to happen and it didn’t happen.
But chances are it actually is happening.
Just not the way you wanted, not the way you planned.
There are many ways to get what we want apart from the ones we can think of.
Many of them are much easier than we can imagine, but they brake the rules of what we think is possible.
So if you make a plan, be sure to always leave some space for miracles.
How many things in your life seemed impossible and yet they happened?
For a moment, try to look into the future – the one your mind creates for you, and see how little space there is for surprises.
For things that are unpredictable.
If you open your mind for miracles, you can start seeing opportunities everywhere around you.
All beautiful stories start from one small decision to change something. 
To take a different path on your way home.
To read a book.
To try something you always wanted to try.
To talk to someone.
To smile.
To visit a friend.
To go for a walk.
Look for miracles.
They are everywhere.
"Beautiful Paths"


"Beautiful Paths"
