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Auto Pin Striping Lewisville TX

Auto Pin Striping Lewisville TX
Auto Pinstriping

Auto Pin Striping Lewisville TX is a great upgrade for your auto's exterior. When you Pintripe with Street Glo's high-intensity Pinstriping, all your vehicle will be the pride on the street. Note: Auto-pinstriping is the exact same product as automotive sticky film. It also has the same black-and-white coloring process, just a bit lighter.
The goal of Auto-pinstriping is to add pinstripes that are high-performance and stand out from the rest of your auto's paint job. Auto-pinstriping is done in seconds, without any extensive prep work. The process is simple and easy to do. If you are unsure of how to do auto pinstriping, ask your automotive supplier what the best time would be to have the work done. Auto-pinstriping can be done on new and used vehicles.

There are many manufacturers who offer auto pinstriping work for sale. Many times, the kit comes with everything that you need to do the job, but there are times when the retailer does not include the needed equipment or parts. So, it is recommended that you buy your pinstriping materials from a reputable pinstriping dealer. Dealers often offer savings on auto pinstriping if you order the necessary supplies from them. They may even offer to install the pinstriping if you so choose. If you buy wholesale auto parts, they may offer lower prices on auto pinstriping than you could get at a local auto supply store.

It is recommended that you test the actual application of the auto-pinstriping tape before you start the job. To test it, apply the tape to the back of your auto's license plate and then wait a few seconds to see if the color has bled. Bleed areas will appear in the middle of the stripe.

If the stripes run parallel to each other, there is a possibility that you may miss a small area. If this happens, it is simple to spot the area to be filled in. Once you find the area, you can fill it in using auto pinstriping paper. It is recommended that you use a paper towel to blot the area to get all the excess paper off before you apply the pinstriping tape to the back of the auto's license plate.

When you are ready to install the pinstriping paper, lay down a thick amount of paper on the backside of your auto. Next, use a sharp needle and poke small holes into the license plate. Make sure that the needle passes through as many curves as possible.

Tape the area evenly around your auto's back side. The idea here is to leave a space between the license plate and the auto body so that you can paint in that space later. You can start painting your vehicle by removing the pinstriping mask from the paper. Next, use an adhesive mask to paint over the remaining part of the painted area.

This is how to do auto pinstriping work properly. The process might take a few days or weeks depending on how well your auto is done. If done correctly, you will have a great looking auto that will definitely attract a lot of attention.

In order for your auto to look its best, you need to keep it clean. Make sure that you wash your car with a mild soap and water. This will help the paint stay on longer and in better condition. It is also important to give the auto body some time to dry. Most pinstriping jobs only take about two days to dry. Do not worry if you do not see immediate results.

A pinstriping job that is done correctly should have a neat, uniform look. This means that all of the paint is on the same plane. Achieving this goal means that you need to give your auto plenty of drying time after the initial pinstriping work has been done. You should also make sure that you give it about two weeks to completely dry. The reason for this is that any stray paint, dirt, or debris should have plenty of time to properly sink into the surrounding area.

Before you start auto pinstriping, you should test the paint. If you find that it is dull or has an excess amount of color, you should give the paint a light wash with a soapy cloth. This will remove any dirt, grease, or debris that may be present during the pinstriping process.
After you have washed the paint, you will want to use a pinstriping kit to fill in the gaps and areas that you did not paint with the first pass. This is where a skilled auto pinstriping 

technician is most valuable. Without his skill, you are left with large, unattractive gaps in your vehicle's interior. Using pinstriping kits allows you to fill in those areas with a uniform color that looks beautiful and is perfectly blended with the rest of the vehicle's paint scheme. This gives your car or truck with an attractive, professional look that will impress those around you.
Auto Pin Striping Lewisville TX
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Auto Pin Striping Lewisville TX

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